Teacher Ahomaru’s New Movie ” The price of war damage “
Teacher Ahomaru’s New Movie ” The Transition of Chinese Character 「The Life」 ver.2022 “
———-The Transition of Chinese Character 「The Life」———-
The earth had been born in the universe, and some unicellular animales had been born, too. After they had evolved, the human being had invented the fire and various civilizations. The one of them which had branched off to miscellaneous forms everywhere in the world was the character.
Though, they were different forms at the each region, they have been still developing and changing severaly. The character evolves like it’s in direct proporyion, as long as “The Life” exist.
In Orient, chinese character=KANGI had been born in ancient China, and propagated for the neighboring countries. After that, they have been severally evolving even now.
At first, they were written on the pieces of broken rock, tortoise shell and bone of the animals or bronze-ware. And then, they began to be written on the pieces of wood and cloth. Further, as the paper manufacturing developed, they have begun to be written on the paper. Now, they are written on various media for example CD-ROM, with a development of the electronics.
The callifraphy also changed from the hieroglyph to the “KOUKOTSU”, “KINBUN”, the seal character “TEN-SYO”, “REI-SYO” style, the square style “KAI-SYO”, the semi-cursive style “GYO-SYO”, the cursive style “SO-SYO” and the avantgarde calligraphy. We expressed this change process in the most suitable chainese character “The Life”.
The sun will become one giant and red fixed star in the far future, and the earth will be absorbed by it. But I hope that the human being will keep thinking the importance of “The Life”, and I want them to exist forever like the universe.
–Director –Composition –Music –Sound Effect –Colour –Animation –CG
–Original Picture
——–Tasogare-no Ari
–Web Technique –Sound Effect