
‘Sotto il Cielo dell’ Incursione Op.1′—-‘The Under the Bombing Sky Op.1′(3’01)


・・・・・(Composition, Arrangement, Picture, Commentary) Ahomaru ・・・・・

Not only terrorist group, but also the heads of the Powers, and the heads of each country which follows the Powers, too, justify their egoistic ‘human rights’, and appeal to military force to the general people without hesitations.

There is a greedy profile of their self-profit seeking, in that background.

And, the victims are the weaks whom each leaders must protect most, such as women, children, old men, sick persons and injured persons as alweys.

I feel contradiction very much..

Even if the reason is an order maintenance, what kind of human rights is ‘The contradicted human rights which make the weaks sacrifice’ which organization and a state are doing?

‘Aren’t the weak worthy of human being?” Or, ‘Did a human being revolve to the mere mammals which was just the weak become the victim of the strong?’

The only country which became the testing bench of the nuclear weapons in the whole world, the result of the two atomic bombs which were dropped upon Hiroshima and Nagasaki…..

As one of the people of the country which has only the corrupted order already, I say ‘Stop the war!!!’.