Auditory Room of Music
The Resistance of the Moon
Without never showing its rear,the moon is casting a innocento and stillness light from the sky on us who live in the ground.
The Under the Bombing Sky Op.1
Not only terrorist group, but also the heads of the Powers, and the heads of each country which follows the Powers, too, justify their egoistic ‘human rights’, and appeal to military force to the general people without hesitations. There is a greedy profile of their self-profit seeking, in that background.
The Distortion of the Justice
The heads of the high offcial circles which holds a state sovereign, or, the leaders of the underground organizations which face to them, one of the flowery expressions which they advocate with one voice is ‘justice’.
On his sickbed
The famous the history document of China ‘Sangoku-shi’, As for the character of it ‘Syu-Yu Koukin’ of the country ‘Go’ comes of a noble family, had the inherent talent, an eloquent speaker, a handsome man and a deep knowledge of art such as music talent too.
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