『 Gaku 』
– – – -Calligraphy Ippiki-Danuki, Picture, Music and Composition Ahomaru – – – – –
The Tian-Shan South Way of the Silk Road parallel to south foot of the Takulamakan desert and Tian-Shan mountain range.There also was dotted with the important some oasis cities where links Xian and distance Roma. Once this area called “Sei-iki” (=west area) in China , the east and the west trade done enthusiastically, the racies and cultures prospered very much, too.There is one poem writtten by the Chinese poet “Ou ShiKan” about around here, “The warm spring light doesn’t cross ‘Gyokumon-Kan’ (=the west gateway to China)”. That is, the place is the end of “Kasei kairou” (=Hexi Corridor) where is to the west of “Kayoku-Kan” (=Jia Yu Guan) and “Gyokumon-Kan” (=Yu Men Guan) in suburb of “TonKo”.There has been marked that the mixed west and east culture in full of exoticism there. The other side many Buddhist priests like “Genjo Sanzo” had been coming and going, too.The world famous “Bakkou-Kutsu” (=Mo Gao caves) had been begun to dig by “Gakuson” who had found the light from Buddha in here, too.There are so many the mural paintings under the infleence of India and Hellenism.
And, the mural painting “Handan Biwa” which is “Hiten” (=it’s just like an Angel) plays the Chinese lute on own’s back, is a famous one above all.
On the other side, there are so many mural paintings in the another stone cave named “Kijiru-Senbutsu-Do” too. “Kijiru-Senbutsu-Do” located on west of “TonKo” and suburb of “Kucha” where is the center city of the “Tenzan” (=Tian Shan) south way.
Once this oasis city “Kucha” was one of the bic country called “Kiji-koku” (=Kiji country) where prospered music very much.
So there is the mural painting of “Hiten” is playing the five strings “Biwa” (=Chinese lute) which was introduced from India in “Kijiru-Senbutsu-Do”. The only existing five strings Biwa is in the “Shosoin” is the treasure house that belongs to “Todai-ji”, Nara, Japan.
Ahomaru said “How exotic!!! If the Hitens on the mural painting came out of the wall, the stone cave would fill with the sound of similar ‘Kosenbu’ ”.
And then he chose the several seets of Chinese picture post card which had bought in Japan before, deformed and laid out them. He thought the one of Chinese characture (=Kanji) “Gaku”. Ippiki-Danuki said “But this area has been Islamic bloc, now”.
So, he chose like a bamboo writing blush and tryed to write “Hihaku” style writing.