< Okawa Zakura > = The cherry blossom along “Okawa” river
—–“waka=tanka” poetry by Mysterious Rou-Fukurou,
calligraphy by Husennin, picture and composition by Ahomaru—–
“Okawa ” river flows down the middle of Osaka city.
Every spring, the cherry blossoms on the bank of the “Okawa ” river are in full bloom, and many people love to experience the majestic cherry blossoms each year. This Japanese custom is called “hanami ”.
Our school “MUSE HOUSE” is near “Okawa ” river. A few yeas ago, this area used to be a historical venerable market, and Ahomaru ‘s family had a store in the market. When Ahomaru opened the school in this spring (2005), Mysterious Rou-Fukurou who took care of Ahomaru in place of his parents, wrote a “waka=tanka ” poetry for Ahomaru with his feeling to support.
It says, “Okawa river flows calmly. The cherry blossoms are beautiful. Please be a full bloom like the cherry blossoms along Okawa river with your fellow. I wish …..”
Ahomaru so touched by his importance, he decided to make his first piece inspired by this “waka=tanka ” poetry. First, he painted big beautiful cherry blossoms framing the blue sky. Then he added some “ukiyoe =Japanese print” which is well known for “Tokaido-53-Tugi ” by “Andoo Hiroscighe ” from the Edo period in Japan. Ahomaru adapted this style to express the excitement of the old town period. Needless to say, it was arranged by Ahomaru.
Husennin knew the relationship of Ahomaru and Mysterious Rou-Fukurou, and he joined this piece. He scribed this “waka=tanka ” poetry which was constituted with many Chinese characters=kangi and many Japanese characters=kana in a semi-cursive style, inspired by fluttering petals of cherry blossoms in the spring breeze.