< Shugetsu > = The moon in autumn

The 79th. in “Hyakunin-issyu ” which was compiled one hundred
famous “waka=tanka ” poetris, in the Heian period in Japan.


—–calligraphy by Husennin,
picture and composition by Ahomaru—–

“This is one of pieces “waka=tanka ” poetry written by “Akisuke Fujiwara (1090-1155AD) ” in the “Hyakunin-issyu ” which was compiled one hundred famous “waka=tanka ” poetris, in the Heian period (794-1192AD) in Japan. “Between trailing clouds, In Autumn breeze, The moon was revealed brightly, What a beautiful moon!”
In the Heian period (794-1192AD), “samurai ” had not evolved, and the government was controlled by an emperor and lords from an ancient period. The society was stable but it was for the privileged classes.
The writer, “Akisuke ”, was a member of the “Fujiwara ” family, one of the historically noble families. So this “waka=tanka ” poetry describes the pure heart from his blessed life. However, a little later, with the advent of the “Genji ” family, “Fujiwara ” noble family was destroyed by “Genji ” family whose system had “samurai=bushi ” Government,.

So to speak, this “waka=tanka ” poetry seemed the twilight of aristocracy, like “Gotterdammerung” by Wagner, because “Akisuke ” was one of the lords of the dieing era of aristocracy.
Ahomaru was affected by the coldness of death within the “waka=tanka ” poetry. Because, the moon is a symbol of death in symbolism. Therefore Ahomaru depicted a clear moon with clouds for a symbol of death, the “Gojyo ” bridge and “Higashi-yama ” mountain in Kyoto, as the outdoor landscape set. The “Higashi-yama ” mountain is near the “Gojyo ” bridge, where used to be a traditional funeral place which the dead body was left there and let it eaten by birds. There is a world of death behind the bridge.
Using Ahomaru ‘s motivation, Husennin represented the “waka=tanka ” poetry composing of Japanese characters=kana and Chinese characters=kangi with soft semi-cursive style, depicting flowing, beautiful clouds.